Monday, December 30, 2024

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell December all the way!

 December has come and gone what a bummer. However here at the Academy we made the best of the month with festive activities to do! We love a good dress up day with festive sweaters and headbands! 
Our Pre-K one worked on separating pompoms into the right color cup. This helps them work on their Fine motor skills, ability to focus and most of all helps them learn/ refresh learning their colors.  
We love setting up little Grab-n-Go stations for our families to enjoy a snack on the way out at the end of the night.
Our friends at the Academy of Gateway decorated our tree with ornaments they made in class.
Some of our amazing staff at our Staff Christmas party
Disguise a Gingerbread man contest was so much, and we loved seeing how creative all our families can be! The winner of this contest won a winter basket full of goodies and treats.
Of course, we can't have a festive month without the Grinch coming by for a visit! 

Cookies with Santa as always was a blast! 
The three amiga's loved taking pictures with Santa! 

Sometimes December can be cold and rainy and when it is we sure do love using the enrichment room for gross motor activities. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Gobble Gobble until you Wobble Wobble

 Gobble Gobble! We hosted our first Turkey Trot at AoG this year and it was a turkey-tastic time! 

Some of our friends wanted a picture with the turkey herself! Gobble Gobble!

Our runners were very excited to see how fast they could run the in the Turkey Trot!
We put our Angel Christmas tree up so parents could choose who they would like to adopt for the season. We love getting to give back to our community. 
We hosted our Friendsgiving with our amazing staff with a potluck! We had so many things to choose from.
Nothing beats an afternoon snack like a turkey veggie straw grab-n-go!

Infant 2 babies loved getting to see Ms. Turkey! 
We Enjoyed hosting our annual Pie Social with Pumpkin, Banana Cream, & Peach Pies!

Toddler 3 had a blast creating turkeys using their hands to paint a plate like feathers! 

Monday, November 11, 2024

It's the monster mash!

AoG had a blast this year at Trunk or Treat! We really appreciate our parents that volunteered to decorate their trunks for all of our cute little witches, firefighters, and Mario's! 

Spidey girl, Spidey girl! 
WOAH! You better "Let It Go" Elsa is here! 

"Git-R-Done!" We sure do love the tow mater truck; we loved it so much that it won our Trunk or Treat Prize! 
"Its-a me, Mario!"

"Jinkies" We sure did have a blast! 
Preschool 2 is enjoying the book "The Leaf Thief" 
Our Trunk or Treat winners! They won this wonderful Basket full of treats! 
This little monster says "see you later" we have another fun week at the Academy waiting for us!


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Spooky Season at AOG

    It's Spooky season here at AOG! Here is some of our fun we have had over the last few weeks. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Book Fair and snacks oh my!

  The Scholastic Bookfair always has a way of providing stimulation for our young minds while helping grow our imaginations. With every page we turn in a book, to growing our vocabulary, and learning empathy from the characters we encounter. The book fair is always a success!! 

On Wednesday we wear PINK for breast cancer awareness month! From October 1st- 31st, you can catch AoG rocking the pink in support! #AOGSTRONG

Even our babies had to get in on wearing the PINK for awareness. 

When outside we work on sensory. We listen to all the sounds around us, exploring textures and different color objects. We also focus on gross motor skills like coordination, balance, running, jumping and throwing! We really enjoy being outside during the nice crisp but warm fall weather! 

BOO! We are kicking off the spooky season with Ghost and Bats Veggie chips grab-n-go!