Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Book Fair and snacks oh my!

  The Scholastic Bookfair always has a way of providing stimulation for our young minds while helping grow our imaginations. With every page we turn in a book, to growing our vocabulary, and learning empathy from the characters we encounter. The book fair is always a success!! 

On Wednesday we wear PINK for breast cancer awareness month! From October 1st- 31st, you can catch AoG rocking the pink in support! #AOGSTRONG

Even our babies had to get in on wearing the PINK for awareness. 

When outside we work on sensory. We listen to all the sounds around us, exploring textures and different color objects. We also focus on gross motor skills like coordination, balance, running, jumping and throwing! We really enjoy being outside during the nice crisp but warm fall weather! 

BOO! We are kicking off the spooky season with Ghost and Bats Veggie chips grab-n-go! 

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